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Does CBD help with nerve damage?

pain management

There is significant evidence to support the efficacy of CBD for nerve pain. Although CBD in conjunction with THC might be more effective because THC can help to manage the pain level itself, just CBD is also helpful because it reduces the pain signals overall. As always with topics related to the medical benefits of cannabis, we advise you speak with your doctor before making any changes to your pain medication regimen. 

What is peripheral neuropathy?

Neuropathy or neuropathic pain is sometimes called peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is only in your hands and feet, whereas neuropathy is more of a global problem, meaning it is pain throughout your entire body. Central neuropathy can occur in a lot of neurological conditions, and the main result is that your nerves tingle and burn. This can be annoying or even painful, and it is usually a progressive ongoing and chronic problem.

Many older people encounter peripheral neuropathy, particularly as they age. Sometimes the nerves to the hands and feet start becoming less healthy because they are the furthest away from the nerve centre, also known as the brain! It can also occur from diabetes and other issues where circulation to the hands and feet is impaired.

What are some of the causes of neuropathy?

As stated above, age and diabetes are common causes of neuropathy. Another common cause is nerve compression, more commonly known as sciatica. Multiple sclerosis can also include symptoms of neuropathy. Chemotherapy and surgical damage are both capable of inducing nerve pain. Carpal tunnel syndrome, lyme disease, and generally poor circulation are all also causes of neuropathy. 

There is also a type of neuropathy called idiopathic neuropathy, which basically means that medical professionals cannot explain the cause, but the pain exists nonetheless. 

Why do you people take CBD for nerve pain?

There are many possible medications that people can take if they experience any type of neuropathy, but they generally stop working after awhile. Because of this, people are looking to cannabis as a treatment for these illnesses. It has been shown that both THC and CBD are effective for different types of neuropathy because they are both neuroprotectant. Neuroprotectant compounds actually reverse nerve decay and stop it from progressing further. 

A big problem with neuropathy, or nerve pain, is that it is an ongoing and progressive problem. That means that sometimes the best help you can get is for the pain to stop getting worse. So cannabis and, more specifically, CBD might not stop the pain altogether, but it can stop the pain from getting chronically worse. 

Are there any studies proving CBD is helpful for nerve pain?

There are many studies that have proven the link between CBD use and reduction in nerve pain. One study on 41 patients found that those on the placebo reduced their pain by an average of 0.8 points. Patients who took CBD to relieve pain, however, reduced their pain by an average of 1.5 points. This means that CBD is twice as effective as a placebo, which is more than can be attributed to the placebo effect itself. In this study, patients on the placebo were still allowed to use pain medications. 

How does CBD work on nerve pain?

There are systems in our bodies that help to manage pain. They’re called pain pathways. Parts of the nervous system are assigned to the task of detecting pain. Once they detect pain, they send signals to the command centre (the brain!). The brain then decides whether it wants to react in a physical or emotional way, and sends signals to the nerves to create the necessary reaction or sensation. 

CBD weakens the signals being sent to the brain, which then weakens the sensation of pain. When there is a nerve injury, the body produces even more receptors than usual for cannabinoids along the pain pathways, which means that THC and CBD can activate those receptors and make the signal from the damaged nerve to the brain less likely to fire off. 

Why should I choose CBD over other pain management medications?

Nerve pain is a difficult thing to manage. It takes over daily activities, making any task uncomfortable and inconvenient. Over-the-counter painkillers might be able to help. Or stronger pain medications, steroids, or injections. But with the opioid epidemic raging, it might be prudent to consider a more holistic approach to pain management if you’re able. It is possible to easily build a tolerance to pain medications, and there is less risk associated with the use of CBD to manage pain than the use of strong painkillers. It can’t be stated enough that you should always talk to your doctor when considering new pain management strategies, but definitely consider CBD if you’re experiencing chronic nerve pain. 

How much CBD should I take for nerve pain?

You should always talk to your doctor when you plan to start a new medication, especially if it has the possibility of interacting with other types of medications. In general, though, you do need a pretty high dose in order to have an effect. Fortunately, it can be a combination of CBD or THC, or only one of the two if you prefer. A dose of CBD that might be helpful would be 25 milligrams three times a day for an indefinite period of time. 

Again, because neuropathy is generally a progressive condition, there isn’t really an endpoint to treatment. Some medical professionals recommend a CBD:THC 1:1. Tinctures and edibles are the best way to ingest something like that, because inhalation does now allow the substance to enter your body in the most effective way. Some people do not like the effects of THC, and so it is also possible to go down to 5% THC versus 95% CBD if that is what you prefer. This will slow down the progression of the disease, but will not help with the pain as much as a tincture with higher THC content might. 

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