Cannabis Culture

Does weed make you lazy?


Cannabis is often labelled as the drug that makes people lazy. If you’re stoned, you’re not going to get stuff done. However, is this actually the case? Many people who smoke weed every day live very productive lives. So why do so many people think that weed makes you lazy?

What is weed tired?

Imagine that you’ve had a crazy day that runs you ragged, and you sit down to light a joint at the end of the day and want to pass out immediately. It doesn’t quite make sense to chalk all that up to the effects of cannabis. How tiring your day is contributes more to how comatose that joint will make you feel. 

Weed tiredness is a well-recognized side effect of smoking cannabis, which is why in films and on TV stoners are portrayed as being lazy and sluggish. In truth, THC plays a major role in this. When THC attaches itself to CB1 receptors in the body, it can create feelings of tiredness. The stronger the levels of THC, the more tired you are likely to feel after having a good smoke.

Does CBD make you tired?

However, CBD is also believed to play a role in how tired you feel if levels are relatively high. CBD in relatively large doses is recommended for sleeplessness. Beyond CBD and THC, there are also other terpenes that might contribute to the feeling of tiredness. 

Terpenes are the chemicals responsible for the smell and taste of cannabis. The same way that we can use certain scents to create an atmosphere of calm like lavender, for example, different terpene combinations can also create a sense of calmness and lethargy. 

Do indicas or sativas make you more tired?

Generally, indica and sativa strains of cannabis are associated with different feelings. Many people believe that sativas provide a more uplifting and exhilarating feeling, whereas indicas make you feel tired and relaxed. Overall, whichever strain has a higher percentage of THC is more likely to make you feel tired. 

So overall, one of the side effects of cannabis is tiredness. However, if you smoke a lot of cannabis every day, it is more likely that you will experience less of this side effect as time goes on and your tolerance increases. 

Does cannabis make you feel less motivated?

Many people report feeling less motivated when they smoke cannabis regularly. There are many possible solutions to this problem, and not all of them include quitting cannabis altogether. 

First, it is important for you to recognize why you feel less motivated overall. Is it because you truly don’t look forward to the things that you need to do during the day? Or is it because you just don’t want to cook dinner again? By carefully examining your lack of motivation, you might be able to determine whether the weed is actually making you lazy, or if you’re experiencing some symptoms of depression. 

What is the connection between cannabis and mental health?

The relationship between cannabis and mental health, including depression, anxiety, and stress, is very complicated. More research is definitely still needed in this field in order to say whether or not the effect of cannabis is more positive or negative and in which ways. 

Cannabis has some stress relieving effects because it interacts with our body’s stress reaction system. Surveys in Canada show that many Canadians consume cannabis in order to relieve chronic or acute stress. When someone has high levels of chronic stress and turns to cannabis as a coping mechanism, that person is more likely to develop addictive behaviors that lead to problematic cannabis usage. People love to say that cannabis is not addictive, but if you’re going out of your way to make room for a substance in your life and leaving other things you should be doing behind, you might want to take a closer look at whether your cannabis usage is healthy or not. 

Can cannabis be used for productivity?

Cannabis can be used for productivity if you associate it to productive activities. If you always smoke weed right before you work out, but not at any other time, your body will start to associate it with that productive activity. Maybe you’re trying to create something, and you smoke a joint to loosen up before beginning to work. More than anything, habits are what will make or break your productivity. 

Cannabis can realistically be used to enhance almost any experience you might have. We obviously are not encouraging you going to work stoned, or driving, or any other activity that would put another person or yourself in danger. But if you blame weed for all of your problems (like being lazy), you might really want to ask yourself if it’s the cannabis use, or if it’s something deeper. 

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