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What is bubble hash?

What is bubble hash?

Bubble hash is a type of hash that is made using an ice bath process. It has a different texture than other types of hash and can be smoked in a variety of ways. 

What does bubble hash look like?

Bubble hash looks somewhat similar to kief, but it has a slightly different texture and method through which you get it. Due to the process of making bubble hash, it tends to have a better flavour and stronger effect than kief ever could. 

How can I smoke bubble hash?

Even though it’s a solventless concentrated form of cannabis, it’s not meant to be dabbed or vaporized; it needs to be smoked through combustion. You can smoke bubble hash in a hash pipe, or even sprinkle it onto the flower inside a joint before you roll it up.

How do I prepare to make bubble hash?

One important first step to making bubble hash is to put the material (trim or shake) in the freezer for a couple days first. This helps to freeze the trichomes that will snap off to create the bubble hash. 

All you need for the process of making bubble hash is a set of bubble bags, the product, some ice, some filtered water, and a few five gallon buckets. It is possible to also use a bubble washer machine but you can also use barrel and a paddle of some sort. The bubble bag washer comes with a zipped bag to keep things from getting messy and allow for easy cleanup. You don’t really need a bubble washer but it makes things easier. 

What is the process of making bubble hash?

When you load the product into the zippered bag of the bubble hash machine or into the bubble bags and a five gallon tub, you don’t want the bag to be too full. You want the product to move around inside, so you should only fill up 75% of the way. Once the product is inside the bag, you want to add ice in order to freeze those tasty trichomes off to create the hash! When you add water, make sure it is at least filtered water because if you use water from the tap, it can contain chlorine which might negatively contribute to the taste of the bubble hash.

If you do decide to get a bubble hash washing machine in order to make bubble hash, make sure that you get one that is medium to high quality, because the cheaper ones will leak water, or have components that break fairly quickly. 

How long should I wash trim in the bubble machine for?

In order to get the best quality bubble hash, you don’t want to wash the cannabis material for too long. Start with less time than you think you need if you’re using the bubble washing machine. If you’re producing the hash by hand or by machine, make sure that the water containing the material does not turn green because that is a sign that it has been overworked. If you open the bubble machine bag after 15 minutes and the material has turned green, then you know to put it through for a slightly shorter period of time the next time.

How much do I need to filter bubble hash?

A set of bubble bags will have different sized screens, which means that they will be able to filter out different qualities of bubble hash. The largest screen bag is the one which you would have put the cannabis material into, so that bag size becomes the waste product. The subsequent bags that you filter the material through produce increasing qualities of bubble hash. 

Make sure that between washes you allow the water to settle because that will allow the material to settle to the bottom of the bag and rinse more efficiently. Whenever rinsing the bags make sure the water is ice cold – that is so important. Warm water will clog things up and make everything very sticky. 

How should I dry bubble hash?

When you first spoon out the material from the bag, you can put it onto a piece of cardboard with a 25 micron screen on top. This will allow the excess water to soak into the cardboard while the hash just stays on the screen. You should allow the hash to dry for a couple hours before beginning the complete drying process.

The bubble hash that has been drip dried should be workable; moist but not so wet that it’s comparable to mud. In order to dry the hash completely, you’ll need a cardboard box lined with parchment paper. Make sure you don’t put it directly onto the cardboard because then the material will stick to the cardboard and taste like paper. Then you can basically grate the hash like cheese using a microplane into the box. Spread it out so it is in a relatively even layer. Put it into a dry cool place, and after about a week it will be ready to smoke!

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